When I think of role models, I am reminded of several individuals I admired growing up, each of whom has gifted me an example to follow. 

I suppose I have worked to become a composite of these people, to whom I will always be grateful. Some taught me the value of money, some showed me the importance of rejuvenation through being in nature, and others emphasized how fitness and nutrition would pay off for me in more ways than one. And so I’m writing this to pay it forward a little, in the hope that what I can offer may inspire others as well.  

To begin, let’s talk about decision-making. After all, that is what life really comes down to: an endless series of decisions. We hope the bulk of our choices are beneficial to ourselves and to those we love and care for. 

Similar to the way financial professionals have fiduciary responsibility when taking care of their client’s investments, we are entrusted with the fitness of our bodies and minds and even the stewardship of the natural world we interact with. 

Our decisions are noticed and, in some cases, modeled by others. I was fortunate to have terrific role models I gathered from many different walks of life. Each left an imprint on me on which I based my behaviour today.  It did take some discipline, and some trial and error. But from these mentors, I learned the habits that have made me who I am today. I am eternally grateful and I’d like to offer some of their wisdom, as well as some lessons I’ve learned along the way.

I’ve learned that forced savings plans – in which you pay yourself first and let the savings grow over months and then years – are neat little tricks because they are virtually painless. This sets you up with an investing mindset that matures and accumulates significantly over time. 

Similar to this, incorporating daily exercise and nutrition regimens can start small and build up to to a transformative habit for your life. Your efforts accrue with interest and you reap the benefits over the long term. I’ve been so much happier since making healthy habits a cornerstone of my daily life. 

If you are starting at zero, you can start by simply walking around the block. If you exercise occasionally, try aiming for three days a week on a regular basis. If you want to take it to the next level, consider a gym membership and personal trainer. In the same way, you can start making a shopping list of healthy foods and sticking to it when you’re in the store, avoiding processed foods as much as possible. Make your own lunches packed with nutritious and satiating foods that don’t skimp on high quality protein. You will be astonished how quickly all of these habits begin to pay dividends. 

By following the example set by my role models, I took on these habits many years ago and have never looked back. I have made healthy living a central part of my daily routine. 

We often hear of someone being a “born leader” but I think that’s largely a myth. Consistent routines, effective self management, and a commitment to personal development are modeled behaviours that strong leaders have passed down to us. 

The leaders worth emulating have confidence and high self-esteem. They think clearly and remain calm under pressure. Their competence and self-discipline permeate through their businesses and organizations. Very few people are born with these attributes. The decisive, compassionate and progressive leaders we admire have built themselves up by establishing healthy habits throughout their lives.

Our goal should be to model this kind of discipline for those around us. That’s what leaders do, and I’m grateful to have had them in my own life. It’s made a world of difference.