Wealth, Wellness, and Leading By Example

Wealth, Wellness, and Leading By Example

When I think of role models, I am reminded of several individuals I admired growing up, each of whom has gifted me an example to follow.  I suppose I have worked to become a composite of these people, to whom I will always be grateful. Some taught me the value of...
Building and maintaining healthy habits

Building and maintaining healthy habits

Let’s be honest here: all of us are creatures of habit. As a financial professional by trade, I thoroughly understand the importance of creating good habits when it comes to investing your money. In fact, the best performers are people who develop effective...
Wealth, Wellness, and Leading By Example

6 benefits of regular physical activity

Everyone knows that exercise is good for you, but have you ever wondered how good? From boosting your overall mood to improving your physical health, let’s find out how regular exercise can improve your life. Why you may ask? Because to me, living a healthy life...
What are the benefits of maintaining a healthy diet?

What are the benefits of maintaining a healthy diet?

A healthy diet generally consists of eating plenty of nutrient-dense foods from the major food groups. Depending on your dietary restrictions (if you have any), this can include lean proteins or plant proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables....